Wednesday, May 2, 2018

A Man Of Little Words

Yes it’s true my husband is a man of little words... sometimes a man of barely any words lol!  But I have always said when he does say something it is very thought out and worth hearing!  And tonight he proved that once again.  I have felt that no one has understood me most of my life and still today at 37 years old there are many days I feel very alone in this world.  A lot of it is stress I put on myself, some of it is related to actual things I have been through and most of it is my need to please others constantly.  The last few weeks have been extremely rough on me if I am being truly honest.  I have let fear and anxiety take over completely and in turn I have taken it out on the ones I love most... my family.  I woke up this morning with a tugging on my heart to regroup.  I instantly turned to my faith as I have so many times before.  I read, listened and breathed the scripture today and I want to continue doing that daily.  It is the only thing that has ever eased my anxiety and the only way I know to relax a little bit.  So tonight as I went to wash my face because my red, burning and raw skin around my eyes from crying could not take it anymore I walked up to this!!!! And as I read the page long hand written note I began to cry again.  My heart needed the words that were written more than I even knew it needed them.  Nothing else needed to be said as I walked back into the living room to hug him.  The note said it all and my hug thanked him silently!  And yes the words he wrote should be  things I should know without them having to be said; but it sure does feel good to read them!!

“Hers is an
old fashioned heart
that holds 
timeless love.
She’s a three page
love letter
in a world of 
relationship status updates.”

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