Saturday, July 21, 2018

Mimi & Poppa Day

Today was a special day for Leighton and Jean Paul!!  Today they got to spend the whole day with Poppa and Mimi!  Leighton was beside herself when she found out she was getting to go shopping with Mimi all by herself.  She couldn’t wait to tell me all about their day.  They went to a jewelry store, bought cool duck soap, are lunch “inside” Old McDonalds, got Sonic drinks and of course went to Target!!!!  I loved hearing her tell me all about her and Mimi’s special day.  Poppa was home with Jean Paul and Leighton told me they worked in the yard ALL DAY lol.  I know they both loved getting one on one time with their grandparents.  Days like today it is hard being without my kids, but I always try and remember how blessed they are to spend time with their grandparents!  Each day is a gift and we need to celebrate every single second we have with loved ones!!!

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