Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Braxton Shirt Bunch

The littlest things and the littlest supporters sometimes mean the most!!!!  Every single year our special sitter Tricia buys all of the kids she keeps Braxton shirts.  Each year I try and tell her to not feel like she has too, but every year she insists!  Well ok truth is if you know our Tricia you know she basically tells me I can’t tell her what she can and can’t do lol!  All of the kids love getting their Braxton shirts and then a few times through the year they will have Braxton shirt days and you should see how tickled they are to say they are all twins lol!  And in true Tricia fashion she gets this amazing picture every year for me; meanwhile, I can barely get just Leighton and Jean Paul to stand still for a picture for me!  I can remember Leighton being so excited the first year all her friends had her Bubba’s shirts and then when Jean Paul joined the crew her smile grew even more in the pictures!  But this year I can’t lie I had tears running down my face when I saw the group picture because Jean Paul looks beyond proud to be wearing his Bubba shirt with all of his friends!  This group picture each year is worth so much more than anyone can ever understand.  As a grieving mother each year that passes brings more and more worry that your baby will be slowly forgotten.  The pain is indescribable and sometimes it even feels unworthy of talking about because you know so many just won’t understand.  So to have moments like this and feel so much love and support all those pains are erased for a little while.  Tricia promised me after losing Braxton that my family and future kids were always welcome at her house and that we would always have a spot in her daycare.  I just never truly knew how much she meant it.  I say that because not only has she kept Leighton and now Jean Paul, she still keeps Braxton there in a very special way.  A way I never knew I needed.  His name is still spoken between those walls where he should of been playing, learning and growing; and to me that is more than I could of ever asked for.  Just like any other parent I want my son to be loved and man is he is loved by his friends and teachers at Mrs Tricia’s!!!!!!  I know he watches over every single one of them too!  There have been many times his spirit has made its presence known there as well and each time Tricia tells me about it to remind me how special he is to her.  I can’t help but believe our shirts are beyond speaking the truth this year...
Because of you I believe in Angels!!!!!

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