Saturday, May 11, 2019

No Time Is My Time

I can remember when my babies were newborns and I was scared to leave them alone just to run and shower.  If I couldn’t strategically get them fed or sleepy then sadly enough sometimes I bypassed a shower... yep it’s gross, but I am 100% guilty of it lol.  Then I learned what rockers or bassinets could fit right by the shower in my bathroom for me to be blessed with shower time.  The shower still was never long enough or even truly my time; because the whole time I was opening the door constantly to check on them.  Seriously why do we make ourselves crazy like this lol.  Now mine are toddlers and guess what?  I still don’t get shower time to myself.  Yes I can lock them out; but then I hear banging on the door, my name being screamed over and over asking why the door is locked and then finally tiny fingers reaching underneath the door combined with the screaming I mentioned earlier.  For now they have decided to just follow me in the bathroom with the infamous “Mommy why you taking a bath or shower?”  And Jean Paul has taken it to a whole new level of just pulling up his step stool and talking the whole way through MY shower time lol.  So after the 500th time he asked me Why I was taking a bath?  I told him “I guess because I stink!!!!”  Next thing I knew he was marching around saying:
Mommy stinks
Mommy stinks
Mommy stinks 
Well I guess I set him up for that one lol!  But no matter how crazy it sounds that I still can’t seem to find 10-15 minutes to myself to shower, I can’t help but be thankful for the chaos.  Not to long ago I was begging God for all this craziness and chaos.  So when it gets a little stressful I try and remember the prayers I prayed and the tears I cried pleading for little ones under my feet all day.  So I guess the stools will stay in the bathroom for the time being and be treated as general admission seats to my kids, but at the end of the day I’m still the one with the best seat in the house...
And that is being their Mommy!!!!

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