Monday, July 17, 2017

Just Another Manic Monday

Why is it always on the mornings you need to get out of the house early your kids have a different agenda??????  I mean come on Jean Paul we all dislike Monday's but it's time to start noticing that they will come around every 7 days.  And there is no reasoning with a 1 year old when they have made up their mind about something.  Lol!!!!!  My Dad had a knee procedure scheduled this morning right next door to where I was working, so I wanted to stop by and be there for support for my Mom while she was in the waiting room.  Well I got there, but it for sure did not play out like I had planned it too!!!  Well I will just let the picture speak for itself.  And check out Brent's face...... Can you tell he was highly amused with Jean Pauls performance??????


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