Thursday, April 26, 2018

Snack Time With Bubba

There is something so comforting about a child’s innocence.  Our family is going through a lot of changes and unknowns right now and even on the days I feel like everything is crumbling; these sweet babies find a way to bring in happiness!  There smile, laughter and tenderness isn’t fake or remotely programmed.  It is purer than anything I have ever seen.  It truly makes me stop and catch my head lately.  I tell myself multiple times a day to look at them for strength.  All 3 of my kids are beyond amazing.  I do not know what I would do without their love.  It is a very lonely feeling when you feel you aren’t good enough sometimes in life.  Daily Brent tells me that somethings in life can’t be viewed as personal attacks, but I take almost everything way to much to heart because that’s just who I am.   I honestly have always been self conscious to the core and I can remember yearning for a child’s pure love when I was younger.  A love that never judged and was solely just because of who I was.  I will never take for granted or let them live without knowing what they have given me!!!!  So after a few hard weeks nothing could be better than a late afternoon snack with Bubba today!!!  We sat and enjoyed the beautiful weather, ran around and held hands as we each asked Bubba for a special intention.  That 30 minutes today has calmed my stress and recharged me beyond belief!!!!  The power of love can conquer so much!

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