Thursday, September 6, 2018

Religion 101 While Potty Training

So when others have told me boys are way harder to potty train than girls I really didn’t believe them.  Welllllllllllllll I do now.  This little hard headed boy has no desire, want or slight interest in potty training.  No bribe, treat or toy will even persuade him to even try it lol.  Sunday we set the timer all day and wore big boy undies too.  
The outcome was:
8 pairs of undies = 8 accidents 
Timer every 17 minutes = 0 drops of pee pee in my toilet (but multiple puddles all over my house lol)
Extended time in the bathroom = Multiple lectures and stories from Leighton on how to potty

As Leighton tried turning on the water to help him have the urge to go, read him stories while he sat, sang Old McDonald a hundred times and even a few life lessons mixed in there I heard her tell him this...
“Jean Paul did you know at big girl school I leaned about God and Mrs Abshire teaches me lots of stuff?  Well she said that you can pray to God anywhere you want to because he is everywhere.  Yep it’s true so you can pray on the potty to God if you want him to help you buddy!!!”

Of course I was laughing when I heard this, but she has been so focused on learning you can pray anywhere.  The first day she told me this she was so excited to tell me she prayed on the toilet to see if Mrs Abshire was right about being able to pray anywhere.  And when I asked her if she was right she giggled and said “yep she sure is”  Inside I was thinking well in our house the bathroom is the place where you can probably get the most quite time to pray lol!!!!  Oh the way kids interpret things!!!!

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