Monday, September 18, 2017

Clean Up On Aisle Three

So it is no big secret that I am no master chef, but I really wish my kids would cut me some slack soon. This dinner routine is draining me fast.  They eat things other places so I get super excited and go and by the ingredients to whip that up for them, but when Mom cooks it they don't eat it.  What the heck.  Seriously it's like they are playing mind games with me constantly!  Much less the time and money I am wasting trying to figure them out LOL.  I honestly feel like I am out of options.  Oh and I get the fact that I am responsible for their nourishment and health, but when I do not know what else to offer them I feel so lost.  Tonight after 30 minutes of trying what I call real food I was about to go crazy.  So needless to say one child had a pickle and a waffle while the other kid had an egg and cold ham, but they did both have a yogurt mixed in there too.  PLEASE DON'T JUDGE ME I MAY CRY UNCONTROLLABLY IF YOU DO!!!  In some way please say their gourmet selection covered most of the food groups:
- Pickle = fruit or veggie your choice
- Waffle = grains if you hold it up to the light just righttttttt
- Egg = eggcellent source of protein
- Ham = MEAT
Yogurt = there is your dairy (minus the sugar I'm sure it secretly contained)

I am open to suggestions but I almost feel like I have tried them all!!  So while Leighton was enjoying her pickle I dropped an egg on the kitchen floor and yelled AHHHHHHHH!  They both came running in to see me starring at the floor almost in tears.  Yes I almost cried over a raw egg on the kitchen floor; now do you see how lost I feel.  Leighton must of thought it was dangerous because she sweetly got Jean Paul back into the living room and occupied him with toys so I could clean up the mess on aisle 3.  You know the aisle all Moms secretly hide on because they are between complete mental and emotional breakdown aisle.  I was extremely grateful she was being a great big sister because with my luck one of them would end up with salmonella from a Mom that may cook twice a week LOL. 
And then I hear Leighton say:
" It's ok turtle Mommy cracked an egg she is making us a cake for dinner!" 
Well there you go the one and only thing I didn't offer was a cake, how silly of me!  Truth is I may have offered it if I knew they would eat it.  But they wouldn't LOL!!!!  So how do you Mommy's do it.  If they even seemed remotely satisfied with something I would fix it every week, even though I know that would get old too.  But HELPPPPPPPPPP what does a working Mom do next?

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