Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Grief Comes Randomly

"Before you tell a greiving parent to be grateful for the children they have,
think about which one of yours that you could live without."
Well today was one of those days.  One of those days that you pray stays far far away.  The pain and anxiety somehow consumed me today.  I truly am sorry for the rawness of this post, but if I intend to help through my journey then my honesty is very important.  I actually started off my day extremely happy, but somehow slowly it started to fade.  Almost as if my mind was telling me I was not worthy of the happiness and that I do not deserve it.  And I know how crazy all of this sounds but as I sit here and try to type my feelings I still can't overcome this feeling.  Not only does it sound crazy; it is far from the truth, because I know in my heart I do deserve happiness.  But somehow today I am stuck, just stuck in a place where all I want to do is cry.  One minute I want to be alone then the next the thought of being alone scares me more than anything.  You see this time of year is hard for me.  Although, it is filled with so much honor and pride with Braxton's birthday, the Maddie's Footprints Walk and so much more it is still very hard.  The hardest part is trying not to complain about being sad still after 5 years, because somehow it scares me that I will appear ungrateful for the many blessings I do have.  But that is not the case at all;  I am beyond thankful for the life God has given me, but it still feels incomplete.  There is a huge piece of my life gone.  Then when I feel so beat down and like a failing Mom I wonder if that is why Braxton isn't here, because he didn't want me.  Again I know this is not true, but your mind can play terrible tricks on you and the devil knows just when to attack.   Most of the time I pray for my mind to just stop even if it is just for a little while to allow me to rest.  To somehow let me stop wondering why, how and when will I be normal again.  But I guess it can't because I will never be me again without him.  Or at least not a complete me.  

The fear of living in constant worry of losing another one of my babies is what keeps me awake every single night.  I am sometimes afraid to close my eyes when I get in bed.  This time at night is my time, the time I use to let out everything I have tried to hide from everyone all day long with my smile.  It isn't that my smile is always fake or that my laughter isn't real throughout the day, it is just such a hard place to be.  Happy with so much going on around me but so extremely sad inside.  I was his Mommy and I could not save him so how am I supposed to sleep at night wondering if I can protect Leighton & Jean Paul.  I do not want to fail them because at the end of the day I am only human, and I do struggle with pain even on my happiest days.   And as much as I want to just run and hide for a long time I know that is not the solution.  The solution is to remember tomorrow is a new day and each breathe I take I take for Braxton.  I promised to live for him.  I will wake tomorrow and continue to be strong for my family.  But today for a brief moment I will allow myself to hurt , to cry.... to Grieve.  I will one day hold you again my sweet boy.  And when I do I pray you are beyond proud of me for surviving these hard days.  I always dreamed of being a Mother, I just never imagined it would be a grieving one.  But without you I would never have been given the chance of being a Mother at all.  And because of that and because of you I would do it all again.  No amount of pain can ever replace the time I had with you.  Please bring Mommy a smile tonight through your siblings giggles, please send me a sign that I am doing good. 
Love You My Sweet Boy Bigger Than The Sky!

I wrote this around lunch time today and then the most amazing thing happened after I picked up my kids.  Leighton had dancing so I had to rush and pick up Jean Paul from daycare and then rush to meet my Mom for her to hand off Leighton to me after her class.  Sitting in my car I felt paralyzed with sadness and was practically begging for a sign that I can do this.  A sign that I didn't go against God's Will by pushing for my dream of having a family so extraordinarily hard, even though all I was doing was following my heart.  So as I was faced with the precious innocence of my babies as I loaded them individually into the car I wanted to cry out to them that I was sorry.  They deserve so much and sometimes I am scared I am not enough (which I have come to learn all Moms feel this way).  There is something about being a Mom that makes you want to be able to give your kids the world.  All 3 of my kids mean more to me than anything and they truly are the only reason I find the courage to share our story piece by piece.  After they were loaded and we drove off headed towards home I started fumbling around for my sun glasses because I felt a few tears start to fall and I did not want Leighton to see them.  Then right there on my floor board was a CD that was given to me last week for my kids that I had completely forgotten about.  It was a CD of children's Hymns.  Right when I picked it up Leighton asked what it was and I read the title to her.  She then asked me what a Hymn is?  As I started to explain to her that they were songs about our Jesus and how much he loves us she replied "You mean the Jesus that Bubba lives with?"  "Yes baby that Jesus!"  As I sat there selfishly proud of myself for her knowing that because of how much we include Braxton in our daily lives she asked to listen to the music.  The very first song that came over the speakers was exactly what I needed to hear today!  I could not turn the volume up loud enough as I felt a peace completely take over my mind.   Leighton and I sang as Jean Paul giggled the whole way home.  My prayer  request for a sign today had been heard and in that moment I did not question whether or not I was deserving of being: 

A Mother to Braxton
A Mother to Leighton
A Mother to Jean Paul
......... I felt it!

He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands

He's got the itty bitty baby in His hands
He's got the itty bitty baby in His hands
He's got the itty bitty baby in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands

He's got a-you and me brother in His hands
He's got a-you and me brother in His hands
He's got a-you and me brother in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands

He's got a-you and me sister in His hands
He's got a-you and me sister in His hands
He's got a-you and me sister in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands

He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands

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