Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Brother Lost His Energy

Yesterday when I walked into daycare to get the kids Jean Paul was all snuggled up on Mrs. Tricia's lap.  I knew that most likely meant he wasn't feeling good.  When he turned around to see me his cheeks were red and they told me he had fever almost at 103!!  Poor Turtle.  My kids always have gotten high temps even for simple earaches and teeth.  So we gave him a dose of meds and headed home praying it wasn't going to be a miserable night for him.  Leighton was super excited that Jean Paul not feeling good meant movie time all afternoon.  Once they both were settled on there own couches I started the painful task of trying to decide what was best for him to eat for dinner.  Luckily he kept repeating toast so we started there and that was a winner lol!  He wasn't his usual self for sure and even with the meds his chunky cheeks stayed bright red all evening.  Luckily the toast was just perfect for him and I snuggled him up on the couch again to rest and watch the rest of the show.  Ok so what do I do know?  I'm so used to then both wanting my attention in the afternoon to either play, go outside or play referee I didn't know what to do with them both chilling for the time being.  As I looked at the kitchen I decided that was not where I wanted to start (does anybody?) so I headed to start the first load of laundry.  Next thing I heard was "Mommy? Mommy?"  Then here comes Leighton with her head hung low and here bottom lip hanging even lower.  As I asked her what was wrong she looked up at me and in a pitiful and whiney little voice she said "Mommy Jean Paul lost his energy."  Now this all started last Friday when her and her cousin Calyn were playing together.  When Calyn took a little break from running back and forth with her she told Leighton she had lost her energy.  It was the cutest thing as I watched Leighton offer her to find it.  I truly wanted to explain to her it wasn't that easy to find your energy sometimes but I kept silent and watched and listened to their conversation laughing through the whole thing.  When Calyn was ready to play again Leighton was more than excited to report to me that she had found her energy again!  It was the cutest thing ever!  Well now she is all about energy all the time!!!  So I tried to hide my laughter and asked her how she knew Jean Paul had lost his energy.  Her eyes popped open wide like she was in total shock as she raised her hands up and said "Uhhhhhhh cause I opened his mouth and looked for it!"  Well that's where I lost it!!!!  I wish I had been in the living room to witness her prying his mouth open while he laid on the couch.  And then to top it off I couldn't help but wonder what the heck she thinks energy would of looked like if she swore she did see some in there!!!!!  I think this may be one of the best things about parenting...... cause man you couldn't make up some of the things they say if you wanted too!!!

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