Sunday, October 29, 2017

Halloween All Day

Whew this is a late post for me but we have been doing the Halloween thing all day long!  Got to spend the morning with all of Leighton & Jean Paul's school friends at a birthday party.  I think they both were a little confused to see all their teachers and friends outside of daycare LOL.  But they had a blast and the weather was beyond perfect for a party.  On the way home Jean Paul fell asleep and Leighton was about too, but we snuck in a quick visit with Bubba to bring him his pumpkins.  Sweet Leighton tried to keep her eyes open and I told her she didn't have to get out at the cemetery and she replied:
"But Bubba will be sad."  I told her he would never be sad he loves her to much and sometimes it's ok if Mommy brings the goodies.  Without picking up her head she said "Can I roll down my window and watch you bring Bubba my pumpkin for him?"  And that's exactly what we did and when I got back to the car I told her Bubba wanted her to take a nap and he would wait for a visit soon.  She smiled.  As I went to drive off I rolled up the window and she started to cry which I was pretty sure was mostly exhaustion.  "I promise it's ok baby" I told her.  "NOOOOO you rolled it up before I got to tell him bye!"  I quickly rolled down the window and let her scream to him.  It was the sweetest thing ever.  "Bye Bubba I hope you like my pumpkin I got you!"  Next we got home and took quick naps to prepare for another Halloween party at Pepa's work.  And as usual we had a lot of fun.  Mommy was pretty much done from a whole weekend of duty alone by this time, but all the kids had fun and that's what matters most!  I didn't eat dinner trying to keep up with my two but I promise you I am not hurting from a missed meal LOL.  Talk to me tomorrow cause it may be a different story when I am tired and hungry lol but for now I am pleased with the smiles on my babies faces!!!!


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