Friday, October 20, 2017

Bubba's Sky

Ever since we lost Braxton we have been seeing beautiful skies more and more.  I don't know if it's because we are now more aware or if he really has a big hand in it.  We have seen lots of breathtaking sunrises and sunsets and they all bring tears to my eyes and peace to my heart.  Now that the kids are old enough to know more and more about heaven we call the beautiful skies Bubba's Sky!  This morning Bubba sure did paint us a pretty one and the sweetest thing came out of Leighton's mouth "Mommy look how pretty Bubba did his sky for you!"  It was the medicine my soul; I needed this more than anything.  I have been dealing with a lot of personal demons the past 2 weeks.  Some are struggles I have fought with for many many years, some are new and some are simply the realization of what could be if Braxton was here.  I will survive these struggles and I will be ok, but sometimes you have personal set backs and that's ok.  It is time for a reset button I have been telling myself every night lately as I say my prayers.  Well as soon as I saw her standing at the window in awe of what in her precious mind is her Bubba's artwork I knew my reset button had been pushed.  My sweet boy was telling me it was time to let the pain go for now and start over.  I know as well as he does that the day will come again where I feel I have to much load to carry, but I also know he will be the one to send me the sign I need from heaven to let me know he is with me every step of the way!  I hope and pray that every one of you see a beautiful master piece in the sky very soon and that this time you see it in a whole new way!  
Beauty like that doesn't just happen in my mind....
is up there creating it! 
You just have to let your heart look at it the way a child does and that is when you will begin to see more than just a few colors in the sky!

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