Monday, December 4, 2017

It's Beginning To Look Alot Like Christmas

Well the Bergeron's are getting in the Christmas spirit over her in Lousiana.  I can't lie I am a sucker for Christmas time, I always have been.  But I have to admit it sure is a whole new ball game with kids.  Sure is something special to see the magic in their eyes!  Not only is it fun it is also exhausting and completely backwards from the way we have spent it until 4 years ago.  I mean if I wanted to I could take weeks to unpack the decorations and I coud put them wherever I wanted without a worry.  Nope not now... there are not enough high shelves in this house to keep our decorations safe from these kids lol.  They want to touch and play with it all.  And if the UPS man brings another package while the kids are home I may scream.  Leighton practically tries to open them all before I can stop her.  There should be a code to let him know "hey dude those packages you have right there are from Santa "aka me" so just drop them and run, no ringing the door bell... PLEASEEEEE!"  Still I would not trade any of this at all.  We literally drove around the neighborhood 4 times this evening after school listening to Christmas music and looking at the lights and the whole time I had the biggest smile on my face.  It is so fun to watch them start to love Christmas.  And once again just like everything else they are so different in the things that draw their eye.  We have one who is obessed with Christmas hats and the other one with Christmas blow ups for the yard LOL!  So much that we may not need many gifts from Santa just what we have now!!!!

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