Sunday, December 31, 2017

Time To Be Ok With Myself

Wow I can’t believe 2017 has already come and go!  They weren’t lying when they said enjoy every single moment while your kids are young because I feel like I blinked and a year passed.  Crazy how when I was younger it felt like 5 years between one Christmas to the next!  I pray my kids see the good I am trying to do for them as they learn and grow through the years.  Like every year since we lost our Braxton we headed to the cemetery for sparklers with our Angel!  It is a tradition I love so dearly and hope my sweet boy loves too!  I know it’s tradition to set a New Year’s Resolution but I honestly feel mine this year has been a work in progress so I’m hoping I can focus more and make changes in me for my family!  
- I want to take a step back from what I feel others want me to do and do what is best for me and my family!
- I want to be more in control of my OCD and anxiety so that I can be a better mom, wife and overall person.
- I want to see the good in myself first before self pointing out my flaws everyday.
- I want to be proud of who I am and realize I am someone worth being around.
- I want to be confident in my own skin and realize how much I truly have to offer this world.
- I want to be a Mom that my kids aren’t scared to mess up around in fear of upsetting me.
- I want to be a Grieving Mom without feeling ashamed or pitties for the way I have chosen to raise my children with their brothers memory in our everyday lives.
- I want to be a Wife that shares and listens to every detail of everyday.
- I want to be a Daughter and a Sister that my family used to know.
- I want to be a friend that others chose to be close to rather than feel sorry for.
- And lastly I want to be a Woman of God who knows without any doubt that she is here for a reason  and show others that I will never give up on God’s plan for me!

So for once in my life I am being truly selfish and saying out loud that 2018 will be all about me!  Well of course not only about me lol, but I will be focusing on bettering my self as a person!  I pray for your support and understanding as I know this will be difficult.  It is time to get myself in a healthy frame of mind, body and spirit so that I can learn to embrace the many blessings in front of me.  Please know that self hate can be more toxic than any other relationship your are in.  I say this truthfully in hopes that this is my first step in becoming a better me!

Happy New Year to you and your families as we all look into 2018 and know we are worth so much more than we give ourselves credit for!!!

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