Friday, December 8, 2017

Snow Day 2017

Like everyone else in our area we had the best day ever.  To say it is rare to see snow is an understatement for us down here lol.  Around 3:30 AM this morning a certain little girl creeped into my bedroom to broken heartily confess she had pee peed in the bed.  After I pulled her sheets off and placed them into the washing machine and cleaned and changed Leighton I remembered we may have snow tonight.  Leighton and I peeked out the window but like always we just saw rain, poor Leighton looked confused when she asked me "Mommy you said we might see snow!"  I felt so bad for getting excited about the possibility of snow and bringing her hopes up because it truly may not happen.  Tired and to lazy to actually get the other set of sheets out of the closet and remake her bed lol.  I mean who wants to to do anything extra at 3:30 AM.... NOT THIS GIRL!!!!!  So I didn't lol and just told her to crawl in bed with us.  Which secretly I wanted cause I love snuggling especially with a little girl who literally falls asleep with a huge smile on her face when she is told to climb in bed with her Mommy and Daddy!!!  Best feeling ever!  Well next thing I knew Brent was waking Leighton and I around 6:00 AM saying it was snowing to wake up and come see.  Confused and half asleep I told myself to get up the snow may melt in a matter of minutes and Leighton may miss it and never see it again for another 10 years.  We threw a blanket over her and carried her outside.  Her face was priceless.  And I can't lie I expected to see some white outside but mostly green mixed in with it, which is what I have always seen in Louisiana when they say it will snow lol.  But this morning it was a pretty white covering everything.  When we came back inside we told Leighton we needed to bundle up and wake up brother to go and play in the snow.  Once outside again Jean Paul was very confused as he just kept looking up and watching the small snow flurries fall.  Then he would point at the blow up Minion in our yard and say Minion because it was half white covered with snow.  Leighton on the other hand did not take long to learn that gathering a little bit of the white ice makes for a great ball to throw at Mommy!  Even though the snow fun didn't last long it was well worth the years of waiting.  I am so excited that Brent and I got to be home this morning when the snow fell and both got to experience Leighton and Jean Paul's first glimpse of snow.  Because I can very vividly remember when it snowed in first grade for me as a child.  It was beyond the greatest Christmas miracle for me and I pray it is something they will remember forever as well.  These are the moments I will cherish forever!  Not only snow but Christmas in the eyes of a child is beyond magical!!!

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