Monday, March 19, 2018

He Is Always Watching Over Them

I snapped this pic cause I wanted to show my Mom that they were rocking their Christmas pj’s in March lol.  But when I looked back at the pic I couldn’t help but be drawn to the bright light in the left corner.... that light that surrounds Braxton’s picture!  I had to sit down as I felt the air quickly leaving my body.  As I sat there staring at my babies playing I couldn’t help but see all of her were present in that room!!!

Our Angel Up In heaven

Our Angel up in heaven,
I wanted you to know,
I feel you watching over them,
everywhere they go.
I wish you were here with them,
but that can never be.
Memories of you in my heart,
that only I can see.

Our Angel up in heaven,
I hope you understand,
that I would give anything
If they could hold your hand.
I’d let them hold it tightly,
and never let you go.
And all the love inside of us,
to you they would show.
Our Angel up in heaven,
for now we are apart.
You’ll always live inside of us,
deep within our hearts!

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