Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Jean Paul’s Birthday Eve

Exactly 2 years ago on this very night I was packing a bag for the hospital.  I was preparing to welcome my 3rd miracle into this world.  The anxiety was overwhelming and the fears were beyond control.  But at some point I had to agree to give it all to God.  Even though I was headed to the exact hospital that I became a Mother in and the exact hospital I had to leave without a baby in my arms 4 years before.  In between those 4 years I did give birth to a daughter, where I also had to face the same fears that still haunted me now.  And as scary as this was I remember the excitement that I felt too.  This was another chance from God to experience a miracle given to me no matter how long the grace period may be.  As I prepared for Jean Paul’s arrival I also had to arrange care for Leighton as well, which was something I had never had to do before.  Being that my entire family would be at the hospital for Jean Paul’s birth I had to look to my closest friends to help me.  Immediately one of my dearest friends; Casey, offered to help.  She asked to drop off Leighton and pick her up as well from daycare, she said she could do anything we needed in order to help.  Beyond grateful I accepted her help: but I remember thinking I couldn’t wait till it was her turn to be a Mom as well.  But what I didn’t know was that her time was coming sooner than we thought.  Casey had just recently accepted full responsibility and willingness to be on the foster care provider list.  This meant she had accepted and obtained all requirements to legally become a foster parent.  Excited and proud all of our friends and family waited patiently for the perfect child to come into her/our lives.  Since I was scheduled for a C-section it was understood I would stay a minimum 3 nights in the hospital.  I recall Casey coming to visit twice and getting a call while she visited one of those times.  Sadly the call did not work out in bringing home a baby, but within hours the perfect call came in.  And I don’t think I could make this up even if I wanted to write the perfect story, but one of my best friends and I ended up bringing home  baby boys on the same exact day.  Not only was this a dream come true but this was also one of my best friends that I also know was one of the most deserving ones too!  So selfishly two years ago I laid in this exact bed praying for my own sons health and safety not knowing that God had so much more planned for us.  I will never forget it or be able to repay her for what she has done for me in the form of friendship but I pray that her and Hayden feel the love we have for them every single day.  I do not think that I could of ever dreamed this would of been our reality today.  Two boys beyond different in looks, personalities and stories.... but the same in faith, hope and love!!!!  And much greater than that a friendship and bond that can not be bought!!!

After the mini party we had for Jean Paul’s birthday eve I can’t forget my birthday helper Leighton!  Ever since I can remember my Mom always made my brother and I’s birthdays special and memorable.  And that meant it was never complete without a birthday banner.  Five and a half years ago my Mom and I handmade a birthday banner for Braxton’s first birthday and ever since then I vowed to use it for all of my babies birthday morning celebrations.  Well this year was the first year I had help carrying on our little tradition as my little girl is almost 4 and beyond willing to help me!!!!  So after Jean Paul was fast asleep her and I hung the birthday banner and I told her the story of how and where this special banner began.  She tried to tell me she had helped for many birthdays, including Braxton’s first birthday.  This led to the story of how her and all her siblings became mine and daddy’s.  These are the moments that sometimes make me face the hardest facts, but these are also the moments I am most thankful for.  Just me and my daughter talking about her big brother and my first born son!!!!!

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