Sunday, November 19, 2017

Hot Mess Express

While cleaning today Leighton came strolling by me like this and informed me she was leaving for work!!

I know my face was the look of shock as I just stood there:
 1) trying not to laugh
2) trying not to ask her where she worked LOL

I mean when I go to work I am scrubs so it makes me wonder what she thinks I truly wear.  As she passed me still clacking all the way down the hall in her plastic high heels, purse and sunglasses I could not hold in the laugh anymore.  I ran around the corner before busting laughing out loud.  And as soon as I pulled myself back together of course I told her to come take a pic.  Children's imaginations are so amazing.  Although I do believe they copy cat most of what the see while playing pretend!  She did make me so proud as she pretended Jean Paul was her baby and was dropping him off at daycare before work telling him " don't worry Jean Paul I promise I will be right back after work!"  She kissed him on the head and said "Mommy would never leave you!"  My heart melted because it is what we have always told her.  I absolutely hate leaving my babies every single day but I love knowing she completely trusts me when I do have to leave her.  Now for the work attire we will work on that as she gets older lol, but for now I'm gonna let her rock the Hot Mess Express look, cause if we are being honest isn't that what most of us working Mom's feel like every single day!!!!!!

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