Friday, November 10, 2017

Well That Didn't Last Long

Well yesterdays happiness in the morning that I bragged about did not repeat itself this morning!!!  Nope full of whines and tears bright and early this morning.  I couldn't do anything right.  I honestly wanted to cry myself.  Especially when your husband wakes you up on the couch sharing the tiniest baby blanket we own with your daughter.  Then when he asks "Why are ya'll one the couch" I almost throat punched him lol.  Shouldn't you be asking yourself "Why didn't I hear anything that went on last night?  Or man when I heard all the commotion last night I should of gotten up to help my wife?"  LOL.  All I could do was look back at him because if I opened my mouth no telling what would of come out.  But we survived lol.  And before they left they seemed somewhat happy I think?????  They looked cute in their UL red so that was a plus.  Guess I can't expect happiness every morning Right???  But it sure does make me appreciate the few ones that do happen!

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