Sunday, January 7, 2018

A Sick Sunday

Well today was a lazy Sunday for sure at our house!  The crud finally caught up with Mommy & Daddy!  Thankfully the kids were beyond amazing all day long because to be honest Brent and I were completely useless today lol!!!  We had one with a visit to the walk-in still in pj’s and the rest of us never got out of ours either!  Day full of playing and sitting around followed by a 3 hour nap for everyone...... AT THE SAME TIME!  Which alone is quit amazing in itself to me!  The house is a wreck and the dishes are dirty but it will be there tomorrow!  Just bathed both kids and now we all smell good and getting in a few more snuggles till bed time.  Praying tomorrow the germs are gone and we can start fresh!!!

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