Monday, January 15, 2018

Bad Mom Award

So I have been asked more than a couple of time this week what happened to Jean Paul’s nose:(
Well I’m sorry to say it all happened from a chicken nugget lol!  And yes you heard me right a chicken nugget!  Last week one day after daycare I decided to treat the kids to happy meals so I drove up to the drive thru without telling them where we were going!  You should of heard the squeals from the back seat!!!! OLD MCDONALD YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!  Well like any other kids I’m sure; mine want nothing to do with the chicken if I give them the fries first!  So they know the drill they have to attempt some chicken first!!!!  Well Mr. Greedy Pants or just Mr. I Have To Eat All The Time  could not wait to get home to start those nuggets.  Mind you live maybe 2 miles away from McDonald’s, but those 2 miles must feel like 60 to him the way he acts.  After the 15,000 time of him saying “kicken mommy kicken pease” and seeing his little chubby hand over the side of his car seat raised in the air reaching for a nugget (he still sits rear facing so poor buddy)!  Finally after my explanation of trying to cool then was getting me no where I said “ fine Jean Paul here but they are hot!”  Well I never heard another peep until I saw his hand up again and a little voice saying “all gone.. more!”  I handed him another one and he ate that one too!  Never did I hear a cry or a scream that would let me know something he burned him!  And before you start thinking wow she is brutal handing thy boy a burning hot nugget.  It really was not that hot or obviously I would never have given it to him no matter how much he whined.  Once we got home sand unloaded I put him in his high chair to finish his happy meal.  It was then unnoticed a bubble type burn on his nose.  And within a day it was a full on scab that looked like I deserved a really good story of how it got there lol!  But nope, sorry to say to all the inquiring minds..... it was only a chicken nugget!  But if you know Jean a Paul and his love for food then you will think nothing of it.  Actually you may find it funny since it fits him and his personality!!!!!!

Old McDonald had a farm
And on that farm he had some 
chickens .....
Some hot chicken nuggets!!!!

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