Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Improv Night Conquered Fear Tonight

Well tonight’s Improv Night at the BERGERON house was just what this Mommy needed!!  Bath time was delayed which pushed bedtime back too but who cares!  When you are getting prime time entertainment like we were getting you just roll with it!  Both kids let their guard down and were in their own little world singing, dancing and dressing up to act silly!  Well Leighton may have been a little more serious about her attire and productions but we didn’t dare tell her we were laughing at every move she made lol!  After a long day at work and feeling a little under the weather this was perfect for me to cheer up!  It also is proving my New Year’s Resolution will be stronger than me this year!  Gotta let loose and just go with the flow sometimes Sarah!  Step 1 was allowing Leighton to mix match her choices in wardrobe tonight lol.  As silly as that sounds it simply is not that easy for me y’all!!!  But the Mom voice in me kept telling me just let her be her!  And you know what that ended up being so worth it!  Sh was having a blast and smiling ear to ear!  

So just to recap huge milestones already I’ve accomplished this year with Leighton alone:
- makeup application by herself and was allowed to wear it all day long
- wardrobe of her choice without steering her towards matching

LOL!  And this was all in 2 days wow I’m proud of myself lol!  But truthfully it’s all about letting the little things go this year and making memories that are worth making!  And little things for me to let go may be ridiculous to you  but I promise your little things may be ridiculous to me!!!  I should know by now I can’t control everything big or small from what we have been through with Braxton.  But maybe me trying to control so much, every single day isn’t cause I’m crazy it’s because I don’t know how else to stop major heartache from happening again.  Which yes I know sounds bizarre too but just once try and put yourself in a Grieving Mother’s shoes for just a single hour.....  I promise you things would look so different to you.  I like so many others didn’t ask for this anxiety or grief but I will survive it I guarantee you I will!  But by surviving it I have to learn how to allow my happiness to over-shine my fears!  And right now my fears far overpower everything from the moment my eyes open each morning.  I Sarah Bergeron will not allow my fears to make me think it means I am forgetting my son, yet I will face my fears to prove that my son believes I deserve every bit of happiness without feeling guilty!  So here’s to you fear...... we proved you wrong tonight as we rocked out to karaoke, danced and giggled the night away!

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