Monday, January 8, 2018

Leighton's First Real Playdate Was A Success

Well this weekend was a huge event for my Leighton Rose!!!  She had her very best friend come over for a whole day of playing.  It was the best day ever she said after Sophie left Saturday afternoon. 
 Not only is Sophie her best friend she is also her very first friend since she started daycare at 4 months old.  These two girls are beyond precious together.  Seems like every other day Leighton is telling me that she can't wait to tell or show Sophie when she gets to Mrs Tricia's.  Of course I ok'd the play date with Sophie's Mom before even telling Leighton yes to the question she practically has been asking me every single day for about 2 months straight now.... "Mommy can Sophie come to my house and play with me?"  I was hesitant to ask for real because I know it's a big deal to drop your child off at some one's house for a whole day.  It's such a big deal Leighton has not done it herself except with family honestly.  But luckily through the years we have felt like we have gotten to know each other better as time goes on and I was beyond happy that she trusted us to share Sophie's first real away play date!  I don't think Leighton really slept Friday night and her eyes popped open extra early on
Saturday while she was dancing and singing a song from the movie A Land Before Time, except she changed the lyrics to match her big day.........  


Before we knew it Sophie was here and the fun could begin.  
So what do you do when your best friend comes to play?

The two of them:
- made friendship bracelets
- cut and glued paper projects
- played barbies
- had a pizza party (because I was informed that Mrs Tricia said  "it's not a party without pizza")
- set up the air mattress and had popcorn and movie time
- then played some more

I don't think there was a single second in the whole day that my house wasn't filled with giggles.  I was extremely proud of both of them for sharing and treating each other so kindly all day long.  Poor Jean Paul tried to join in on some of the girl time but they weren't having any of that LOL!  I hope years from now they will both always remember their first play date and smile.  Sophie has a very special place in our hearts as she is Leighton's first true friend.  And I know Leighton loves her friendship so much.  I know they will grow up fast and travel different roads through life, but there is something truly special about your first real childhood friend.  

"Your childhood friendships are the most beautiful memories that can never be replaced"

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