Saturday, June 23, 2018

Be Still My Heart

I seriously am running on empty after the last 4 days.  These babies have been fighting sickness nonstop and I am trying so hard to stay on step ahead of it all on my end.  I’ve cried out, freaked out and even prayed out loud asking God for guidance while in the same breath thanking him for trusting me to be their Mommy!  And as I sat with Leighton tonight; after a long day, she brought up my wedding ring again.  This time she asked me why I had 3 rings on one finger.  As I began to explain each one to her she asked me if she could wear them while I told her the story!  Of course I couldn’t argue with that!  As we sat there hand in hand I told her about each band:
1) My engagement band: I told her the story of the day her Daddy proposed to me. 
2) My wedding band: I told her if the picture perfect wedding day.
3) My 2nd band:  a band I never thought about even wanting.  This band I told her was given to me on Mommy and Daddy’s 5th wedding anniversary.  I was visiting Braxton at the cemetery when Daddy showed up with a surprise.  To our own surprise it was also the same day we learned we were having her!!!!  
I don’t honestly know how I held the sobbing tears in.  As I heard the words coming out of my own mouth I realized how very special it is that my sweet Leighton is obsessed with my rings!!!  I hope one day at the right time I do get to give her my 2nd band.  A gift from me to her, just as the gift of her was to me and still is every single day. 

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