Sunday, June 10, 2018

How Can I Be This Tired

So yes I have toddlers and with no explanation required.... that is exhausting.   But mine are 2 and 4 now so things should be starting to settle down right?  They both for the MOST part sleep through the night, one is fully potty trained and the other just stubborn, they don’t require restraints while sitting at the table to eat, bath time begins with bargaining but ends up being lots of fun and getting them to agree to their own beds may be out for the jury to decide but we usually win that case lol!  So this weekend when I realized we literally only had one party on the agenda I secretly did the happy dance and thought to myself “Sleep thank you Jesus!”  Screech slam on the brakes I must of jinxed it.  Sadly the one party did not happen due to Jean Paul deciding it was time for his 2 year molars to play there side effects on us.  Poor buddy was having full diapers every hour and the red booty to prove something wasn’t right!  But honestly besides the constant changing and heartbreaking cries of applying medicated cream every other moment was ok, but why am I so tired?  I feel like I just got home from the hospital with a newborn and a toddler trying to learn to stay in her big girl bed all night while potty training!!!!!  Nope just two toddlers who seriously are very well behaved kids.  Yes they may need a lot of attention and ta-ta’ing but that’s what a Mother is for.  I do not think my car has left my driveway since Friday and I feel like we just got home from a weeks vacation abroad?????  What the heck?  Why am I so tired?  I’m giving myself the benefit of the doubt and blaming it on the OCD Mom brain and semi-activity coordinator that I aspired to be for the past 48 hours.  I guess I was beyond naive to think maybe after 6 years from my first pregnancy that I would of earned a little sleep by now; oh and not just any sleep, I mean restful sleep like I feel like I just woke up from anesthesia sleep lol.  So yes even though we did not leave the house for a single thing this weekend it was hard.  This Mom job is hard and if anyone tells you differently call them a liar lol.  But after you do that tell them it is worth every single minute of lost sleep.  Cause between the butt paste, tears, snot wiping, chalk covered things and whining it is by far the best weekend home I could ask for!!!!!!

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