Wednesday, June 6, 2018

That’s A Wrap


That’s a wrap for Leighton’s first year of dancing!  I think I told her 100 times how proud I was of her.  Every so often throughout the year she would tell me she was scared of the big stage and didn’t want to do it.  Each time we tried to explain to her that it was ok to be scared sometimes, because new things are scary but we learn from them.  Well let me just tell you she didn’t look one bit scared up there on that big stage shaking her little booty!!!!!  And tonight as we snuggled I told her again that I was very proud of her.  Laying there in the dark I heard her little voice say “ Mommy you are proud of me cause I tried new things right?”  Wow just wow is all I could think because today at 37 years old I took a step in a new direction career wise and I am scared just like she was.  But tonight I saw full circle that she hears me and watches everything.  
“Yes baby girl you are so right I am very proud of you for trying new things!”

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