Monday, June 4, 2018

Dance Revue Eve

Can’t believe this night is finally here... the night before Leighton’s first Dance Revue!!!!!  To say we are all excited is an understatement.  Not only is this something I have always dreamed of, but it is also something I prayed to share with a child of mine.  To share in their joy of loving something and being with them to experience it along the way.  My emotions are a notch above overdrive, but it is worth it!  This tune would not even be possible without my Mom; Maw Maw, who week after week drove her to dancing class.  Due to the beginner class being at 4:30 PM without Maw Maw we would of had to wait till she was older to sign up.  Once again my amazing Mom stepped in, and not only offered but viewed it as just another experience she could share with Leighton!  I wouldn’t want it any other way either I must admit.  Today seeing here have the time of her life on the big stage, with a smile bigger than ever and by the side of my little sister Brooke my heart was exploding with pride.  So as I try and get her costumes and things together tonight I keep having to stop the tears lol.  I know it’s silly I just can’t help it!  I was beyond worried about my shy little girl when the dance year started and a little scared as it was the first time I had ever dropped her off anywhere except daycare or to anyone other than family.  As the year progressed I grew as a Mother allowing her child to experience new things and I watched Leighton blossom and try something new that she loved.  Today as my Mom and I braced ourselves for the possibility of her being scared or unsure of the big stage she simply let go of my hand and raced to her teacher and friends to line up.  I had to step aside and make sure I was ok more than I had to console her; which was the complete opposite of what I expected to happen lol. I was beyond proud of her and proud of myself too after I pulled myself together lol.   Tomorrow will be the big day and I can not wait to watch my little girl shine!!!!!  

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