Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Don’t Let The Happy Pics Fool You

Awww don’t the pics look so cute and happy?????  Yeah don’t let them fool you! 
Truth =
- More tears than I have seen in months
- Near bribing to get them to just pretend they wanted to make a pizza with me
- Leighton smashed into the dishwasher, a chair and grabbed a hot pizza pan within 5 minutes
- Burn cream is clear so unable to see in the pics that honestly are pretty much fake news lol
- Jean Paul took a bite of over 10 pepperoni’s then flung them like frisbees as he screamed “I can’t like pepper-smonnies and then when I took them away screamed “I more pepper-smonnies!”
- A broom and wet mop was required after the pizza process
- Not one piece of pizza was eaten..... which I can agree with their “why” they didn’t eat it lol
At the end of the night I pretty much feel like this was more of a Pitty Pizza Party rather than just a fun Pizza Party Night!

HUGE MOM FAIL!  But lesson learned delivery is now on speed dial people and I am not ashamed to admit that!!!!!  

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