After our amazing Polar Express ride last weekend we woke up to a very special note from Bob our elf. After reading it we couldn't wait to get back home and see what the surprise was that Bob and Santa left Bubba! Right when we got back to town we went straight to the cemetery and found the perfect little Christmas tree waiting for us to decorate it for Bubba. While we were admiring it Santa called Daddy's phone and told us to look in the trunk of our car to find all of the decorations. So as a family we hung his lights and ornaments and arranged his rubber duckie nativity scene.
My heart was bursting with love wathcing them have so much fun decorating Braxton's tree. It is a tradition we started way before Leighton and Jean Paul were born and still love to carry on today. I can remember decorating alone with no tiny voices in the back ground. I wanted it to be all just perfect for my Braxton. Now I am pretty sure Braxton is giggling as his very OCD Mommy allows his sister and brother to hang ornaments where ever they want on the tree. And I can guarantee he is loving the fact that I have to just allow Jean Paul to place the ducks in his nativity scene all over the place. I mean who doesn't know that baby Jesus goes right by Mary and Joseph and it's critical if the three Wise Men aren't all in a row...... RIGHT LOL!!!! But I have to admit as much as it drives me crazy having it all misplaced it just as much fills my heart with so much joy!!!
Braxton I can remember your very first tree over 5 years ago. The sweet lady that works in the office at the cemetery told me it warmed her soul so much everyday to look out her window and see his perfect little tree. I told you Mommy would always celebrate every season and every life event with you my sweet boy, and we can't properly do that without a tree for Christmas son. So I hope you love your tree this year!!! I can promise you it was decorated with a lot of love and devotion.
We love you Bubba!!!

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