Monday, December 11, 2017

The Magic Is For Those Who Believe

\Well to say this weekend for our Polar Express was magical is an understatement!  Let's just say that I was balling crying the second the Christmas music started playing as we took of from the train station.  We got to experience the event with our neighborhood friends which made it even better.  We sang, read, danced, drank hot chocolate, ate sugar cookies, talked to Santa and even got our very own bells to take home.  And the train conductor even punched our special ticket with the magic puncher giving us each our very own message.  Even Jean Paul being only one surprised me with how involved he was with the whole experience.  Halfway through the ride I happened to look above Leighton and Brent's heads where the seat numbers were written.  Once again I had tears rolling down my face as Leighton coincidentally got seat number 17!!!  Her Bubba Braxton's number!!!  This number appears everywhere to us and this was just another sign that he was with us for the Polar Express as well.  After we told Mimi about our seat number she said that Braxton is no fool, he would never miss out on a ride with his family to the North Pole..... And she is so right.  He is always with us and these signs make us so happy and feel his presence even more.  As soon as we got off the train Leighton said she wanted everyone to ride the train with her next time as she rattled off:  Maw Maw, Pepa, Poorain, Ney Ney, Mimi, Popa, Nanny, Uncle J, Michael, Christopher and baby Emily.  She loved it so much she wants to share it with them too.  Bob our elf really outdid himself with his tickets he sent us.  I have always loved Christmas, due to the amazing memories I have as a child, but to see it through your own children's eyes is something so special.  This weekend our relatives were all in New Orleans for a wedding too so we got to see them and get a few hugs as well.  So Sunday morning after we had walked to see a few Christmas sites and we were preparing to leave New Orleans you could still feel the magic in the air as Leighton's wheels were turning in her head.  She then told me the hotel was magical and she didn't want to leave.  I explained to her that we all had a great time and made new memories, and maybe one day we could come back.  

"No Mommy Bob my elf brought me:
Polar Excress (as she says it) Tickets
Mommy, Daddy and Jean Paul
Maw Maw, Pepa, Poorain and Ney Ney
all to this hotel so it's magical."

Sweet girl truly believes that too.  It shows how much being together really means to children.  And there is nothing anyone could say or do for me to tell her that hotel wasn't magical.  It meant so much to her and to me to see her feel the magic of Christmas.  After all the unexpected snow we got Friday our Saturday plans were sort of rearranged.  We had to leave Lafayette later than expected due to icy bridges being closed still which meant no fun stops along the way so we could make sure to make it to the Polar Express in time.  But even with the change in plans, a little traffic and a potty break on a training toilet in the back seat for Leighton in stopped traffic the day was perfect.  And like the train conductor taught us:

"It's not always about where the train is going, 
but whether on not you decide to get on!"

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