Saturday, December 2, 2017

Traditions Are What You Make Them

So yes I'm a girl who likes a plan, likes checking off things on to do lists, and even likes to plan when to make the to do lists!!!  Call me crazy but it's always been who I am lol!  Maybe that's why I also love traditions!!!!  Cause in a way they are kinda like something planned each year like clock work!  But to me the best traditions are the ones that weren't done the first time to become a tradition, then you look back and years later it evolved into one.... Those are the best kind!  Our live wreath that hangs on my door starting at the beginning of every December is one of those traditions.  I can't remember exactly how many years this one has been around but it's one I wait for each year.  It's always within the first week of December and it always comes as a surprise when my Dad stops by for an unplanned visit with our Christmas wreath!  Some years it has been hanging on my door before I even get home.  Well this year I kind of think we may have added on to our Christmas Wreath tradition.  After we all got excited from the knock at the door followed by Pepa standing there holding our wreath when we opened it  Leighton asked him to read her a Christmas book!  Even though it was already past her bedtime Pepa could not tell her no.  So she brought him a book and hopped up on the couch next to him while her read to her.  The next morning Leighton jumped out of bed to see if her wreath was still hanging on the door where Pepa had put it!  Super excited she ran to get Jean Paul to show him since he was already asleep when it had been delivered.  Then she ran to the book shelf and brought me the book Pepa had read her the night before and very proudly she said "See Mommy this is the book Pepa read me, it's the first Christmas book yet!"  And right then and there I knew our tradition had grown into more than just the delivery of our wreath!  Now every year I hope  Pepa will start the Christmas season off by reading the first Christmas book yet!

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