Sunday, August 19, 2018

He Is Remembered

Even after 6 years the sound of his name lights my heart on fire.  Nothing is better to a grieving mother than simply knowing her child is remembered.  All day long Friday; on Braxton’s birthday, I was reminded of how many people my sweet boy has touched.  I may not of replied to everyone but I sure hope each person that took the time to reach out to me knows how much it meant.  This year took me by surprise, as it affected me more than I had planned for.  I am so blessed to have so many people in my life that love me more than I feel I am worth.

A child’s death
forever changes a family
and those who love them.
The experience of grief is lifelong...
it does not go away
 after a certain amount of time.
Yes, it softens
but always there is a place
 in your heart and your soul
 that yearns for that child.

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