Thursday, August 2, 2018

Secret Summer Surprise

This summer has completely rocked our world.  We have had major change in almost every aspect of the word!!!!  To say I’m tired doesn’t even begin to explain it.  Lately it literally feels like Brent and I are saying hi with just enough time to hand off the kids or pick them up/drop them off.  So if I’m mentally, physically and emotionally done I know my sweet kids are too. Some nights we get home later than I would rather admit just because I have to get them trim my Moms after work etc.  So with all this change and adjustment we sadly had to miss our annual beach trip this year.  Last week they were beyond excited for an impromptu trip to Nanny and Uncle J’s house; you would of sworn they had gone to Disney.  So tomorrow even though I can barely keep my eyes open I have one more summer surprise for my babies!!!!  After nap time Maw Maw will be picking them up from daycare (which would be more than enough for them lol), but that’s not it!  Once I get home from work we will surprise them as we drive off back to Texas one more time.  This time it’s to see Poorain and New Ney for one last summer visit!  Swimsuits and pajamas is all I had to pack because this trip is a no plans just swim all day kind of trip.  Leighton and Jean Paul literally just want to swim since we haven’t gotten to much this summer.  The other thing they want more than ever is to be with Poorain and Ney Ney!  So Maw Maw and I will try and fulfill that summer dream with a huge surprise road trip tomorrow!!!!!  I can’t wait to see their little faces when they figure it all out!!!

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