Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Forever Friends

This picture means more to me than I could ever explain.  These are the hands of my forever friends the day Braxton was born!  They sat in the hospital waiting room with no intentions of ever seeing me or Braxton that day.  They were there solely for support.  I will forever be grateful to them and pray for them and their families each and every night.  Not only did they save me from the lost teenager I was when I met them my junior year in high school, but they continue to save me today!  I never knew friendship like theirs existed and I surely never thought it was anything I would ever get to be a part of.  Remember it’s not always about letting others seeing you be a good friend to someone, it is more about the friends you show love to when no one is looking!!!!!!

She asked me if I was okay
and I said “ I’m fine I swear.”
but when she looked into my eyes,
she clearly saw my struggles there.

I quickly looked away,
and tried my best to smile.
I said softly “I’ll make it through this,
it’s just taking me a while.”

She knew I was hurting,
and she knew my pain was deep.
But I felt the burden was mine,
and mine alone to keep.

She reached out to me,
and our hands entwined.
She said “ I love you my friend.
So your burdens are also mine.”

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