Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Just A Normal Tuesday Around Here

So this sweet face sure is worth a rough day if it ends like this for me!!!!!  For the first time in months he wanted me to hold him for no reason.  I think we sat like this for 30 minutes and I would of sat longer if he would of let me!!!  My day started with an appointment at 7:30 AM and ended with us walking into the house at 8:15 PM!!   Just another day for us!  Some are busier than others but I must say we stay on the go most of the time!!!!  But to top off the long and somewhat stressful day I had personally before I even picked up the kids it ended with this....... well I’ll let you see for yourself lol!!!
  So basically to sum up our current bathroom strike we are having with Leighton and our new potty training progress phase one with Jean Paul I kind of feel I made need an all inclusive beach resort trip in order to survive this all lol.  Leighton who has recently decided to veto wiping her own booty for unknown reasons has declared if she has to do “that” then she would rather not go to big girl school.  Hmmmmmm well we will have to discuss that more because last I checked that really wasn’t an option; so when did she feel it was a choice ???  And why now???  Don’t know why or what is going on but I did not have the energy to finalize that portion of the crazy show we had going on tonight!  So stay tuned for the next episode of Leighton’s Bathroom Chronicles please!  Now for Jean Paul who has just turned 2 a week ago we are beginning the potty training steps.  As per his teacher he is interested and can start wearing pull ups and sitting on the big boy potty multiple times a day to get him comfortable!  So that starts Monday and well today is only Tuesday and I don’t have much to go by or know what to except; but from what I saw when I entered back into the bathroom this evening to get him out of the tub......  and from the looks of it I can’t say he is in what I would call the gifted or advanced group of the potty training academy!  So for now I guess my kids have let all hygiene/rules regarding bathroom etiquette go, but then again SHIT happens right lol??????  So this Tuesday has ended with me wiping and cleaning and even bleaching a tub while I can’t help but giggle through it all!!!!  Remember Sarah when you prayed for days to feel like a normal Mom?  Well here they are and I can gladly say it’s just another normal Tuesday around here!!!!

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