Thursday, March 8, 2018

You Should Of Known Better

So most people know and still to this day question why my best friend is Brent Carlson.  If you don’t know him then you will not understand this post at all lol.  To say he is my best friend is a true understatement, but it’s the truth and I’ve never hid it.  I can not tell you how many times I’ve have heard
 “Carlson... well Sarah you should of known better lol!”
  So when he called today to tell me he was bringing over Jean Paul’s birthday present I should of actually been worried due to the past lol.  
So as I sit here and repeatedly have to shoot nerf darts across my living room because:
1) this dart gun is way to big for a 2 year old
2) after each shot Jean Paul is so excited to bring it back to me and say “Do Again”

I can’t help but say to myself:
  Sarah when you asked him to be Jean Paul’s Godfather....
“You should of known better!”
And when he called you today and told you he got your baby boy a BB gun and you told him no so he showed up with  not one but two nerf guns....
“You should of known better!”

But what I do know better than anyone else is that he is the best friend a girl could of ever asked for and he loves my kids like they are his own.  When my sweet Braxton entered heaven I held him for hours through the night after everyone who had been at the hospital all day for support went their separate ways.  And before the sun was even up the next morning; the morning we were going to have to say our last goodbyes to our son, my cell phone rang.  My best friends voice on the other end made me burst into tears as I heard him say “I know today will be hard and is for you and your family only, but I am in the parking tower if you need me!”  I guess I couldn’t speak through the tears fast enough because I then heard “And I have donuts lol!” Within minutes he was by my side again.  Although he had been there the whole day before and late into the night, he was back.  Now looking back I don’t know how he knew I needed him, but I have to smile as I think to myself:
“Now Sarah..... you should of known better!”

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