Sunday, August 27, 2017

Girl Time

Maw Maw & Mommy surprised Leighton with a movie date today!  Just so happens there is a movie out about a ballerina called Leap!  To be honest out if all three of us I really can't figure out who was more excited.  It is so refreshing to see the happiness she gets from the little things in life lately.  I wish I could be more like her in those moments.  It's so easy to get wrapped up in everyday stresses and forget to step back and enjoy the simple things.  Well I don't think anyone will be surprised to hear that she insisted on wearing her ballet shoes to the ballerina movie!  We have been telling her that they are only allowed at dancing and inside the house.  But of course Leighton had a brilliant solution for that..... "You can carry me Mommy!"  Couldn't say no to that!  So off we went for some Girl Time.  I was feeling a little guilty for leaving the boys out, but I got these cute pics from Brent while we were there and I could tell they were enjoying their Boy Time too!

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