Saturday, August 12, 2017

Let The Vacation Begin

Well we made it safe and sound!  Let the vacation begin!!! 

 Took our time getting here and: 
- stopped for some lunch
- sang some songs
- watched some movies
- both kiddos took naps along the way
- honked through the Mobile tunnel
- made big trucks honk there loud horns on the interstate
- did some shopping
- Leighton rode a bull
- Jean Paul has snacked the entire time
- headed to a family dinner
- then checking into our first hotel till our condo is ready tomorrow
- anticipating jumping on the hotel beds (cause that's a must)
- and in Leighton's words " waking up to put on our swim soups and never taking them off"

The real party starts when Maw Maw & Pepa get here tomorrow!!!!

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