Tuesday, August 29, 2017

I Try

We have been praying all week for our family in Texas during Hurricane Harvey.  Also each day here in Louisiana we have been on standby with school and work ourselves.  These past few days I find myself wishing I was a stay at home Mom, even though I honestly know deep down inside it is not what I am cut out to be lol.  But today driving off from Maw Maw's house my heart sank as I saw their faces watch me leave.  One day I pray they truly understand the reason Mommy left everyday for work, and then I pray they truly appreciate it.

My hope is that they will remember
mommy tried.
Even when she was tired,
even when she was stressed, 
I hope they will know that I did it all for them.
That I had every intention of being
great, good and grand,
but some days all I could be was okay.

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