Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Ahhhh To Be A Child Again

As I lay here and wonder what the plan is for my family and the future (regarding career moves) I can’t help but think about how much easier being a child was.  Crazy thing is back then I couldn’t wait to be an adult lol.  I hate to even begin to add up all the time I have wasted on wanting something other than what I had in the moment.  Yes life is scary, cruel and down right hard at times but it is also a gift, filled with love and is amazingly beautiful if you focus on the good things.  So as this sweet miracle holds my hand while she sleeps I want to promise myself to always remember to focus on the good things!  I want to try and remember living at her age... the innocence, the easiness and the pure joy I felt each day as a child.  I can’t help but praise my parents for allowing me to be a child when I was meant to be one.  They truly made sure they adult issues were guarded from my brother and I when we were growing up.  Some may say that’s sheltering us, but I honestly think they knew soon enough we would be adults ourselves and have to fight the same fights they had to.  So why not let us have as many years as we could just being carefree.  I can’t thank them enough for that.  This little girl holding my hand still adores me at this point, she still feels I can do no wrong and more than anything she loves me for me!!!  Yes I know in years to come we will have ups and down but I hope she can always appreciate the things I do for her they way I appreciate all that my parents have and still do for me!!!

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