Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Popsicle Season

Nothing beats summertime when you are young!  I can remember playing outside till the street lights came on when I was a kid!  I wish there were more hours in the day to be outside with my kids on days like these!  No whining or fussing; just pure joy playing outside!  As a Mom now I can see why my own Mom felt like she was going to go broke buying popsicles and juice back then lol!  I honestly did not know such tiny human beings could consume that many popsicles!  But the smiles are so worth it! My kids will never have another summer as 4 and 3 year olds so I’m hoping we can make thousands of memories this summer that will last a lifetime!  

****on a side note..... if you are anyone you know owns an ice cream truck can you kindly explain that it is not cool to keep making the block over and over again!  I can only get my kids to smile, wave and believe that you are completely out of ice cream for so long!!!!!!  Soooo passing 804 times an afternoon is NOT helping my situation OK!!!!! ****

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