Thursday, May 24, 2018

Braxton Helps 2018

That’s a wrap for our 2018 Braxton Helps Fundraiser!!!  This year was very special because it was the very first year that Leighton truly was able to help with her Big Brother’s Fundraiser! From sorting and passing out flyers, ticket sales, baking for the the sweet tent booth, being at the event from set up to tear down and lastly getting to deliver the check with the final donation amount!  I am beyond grateful and proud every single year of our fundraiser and all of the amazing people who help us accomplish it.   This year we were able to donate $5000 to help others with tuition assistance at Sts Peter & Paul Catholic School.  Our sweet boy would be wrapping up his kindergarten year and I can only imagine what his little personality would be like at this age!  I believe with all my heart that after 6 years of hosting the Braxton’s helps fundraiser and helping multiple families with tuition our Braxton is more than present in the school!  I like to imagine him personally being a guardian angel to all of the students.  And this August as Leighton begins her first year of big girl school I pray he holds her hand daily as she walks the halls.  It’s a bittersweet time for our family as we have felt very connected to this school and our church through every step of our journey.  But as the call came in to let us know we had been accepted into the school this year and I sobbed and kept repeating yes, yes, yes I heard on the other end of the telephone “ We would like to officially welcome you to the student body family” my heart was beaming!  For we have been apart of this school family for 6 years now helping others and honoring our Braxton’s memory, but it was official now our dream of our kids attending were finally coming true!  And without a doubt I know Braxton paved the way for his sister and brother to gain this chance!  I pray our kids always know the importance of helping others and that good things do come to those who wait and believe!

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