Saturday, May 19, 2018

Ballerina Dreams

Brent is out of town this weekend which usually means either snuggles in Mommy’s bed or a stay Maw Maw and Pepa’s hotel lol!  Well last night was snuggles in my bed and I call lie I was just as excited as Leighton was.  After I had washed my face and brushed my teeth I walked into my room to find her already fast asleep; which I must add never happens.... my girl can hang all night with the best of them!  Before I climbed in with her I saw her with her Dance Revue program tucked under her arm.  My heart melted.  She is so excited about dancing and the big stage coming up!  I hope she always finds joy in whatever she does in life, wether it be dancing or anything else!  I kissed her forehead  and whispered “ sweet dreams my ballerina! “

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