Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Pre K Here She Comes

Today was a very big Day for our girl!  Pre K testing time!!!!!  Leighton was so excited to sit at a “medium table” as she called it in a big girl classroom today.  She didn’t want to tell me to many details about what questions were asked etc., but she did inform me that she was a big girl and went by herself and...... she used her manners!  I know I was smiling from ear to ear because as hard as it is to see her growing up so fast I can’t help but be proud of her.  As I told her how proud I was of her for being brave she said “ thanks mommy.”  And with that out of the way she then went into a long description of how Maw Maw said today was a very special day and that means you get a very special lunch.  So my 4 year old was treated to spaghetti (per her request) at Imonelli’s!!!!  And if you are not familiar with it I can tell you by no means is a fast food establishment lol!  Yes my 4 year old went fine dining for lunch today with her Maw Maw and Pepa to celebrate her big day of Pre K testing.  I am so blessed to get to watch my little girl get spoiled by her Grandparents.  Although sometimes I wonder who enjoys the spoiling more.... them or her!!!!  And at the end of the day I wouldn’t want it any other way!!!!! 

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