Tuesday, May 29, 2018

From Waffles to Weeping

So yesterday afternoon I was able to do a medium size grocery shopping haul lol.  Which in Leighton's world means “Anything Goes For Dinner!”  I agreed that was fair yesterday as we unloaded all the groceries, but since we still had leftovers she graciously agreed to do it today!  So as I was rubbing her back this morning trying to wake her up slowly for daycare she popped up and told me that tonight was the night she could pick anything she wanted for dinner lol.  Obviously this was a way bigger deal to her than I had known!  And it didn’t slip her mind at all throughout the day because she reminded me the second I picked her up from school too lol!  After much thought and consideration the whole ride home this afternoon she not surprisingly picked waffles with cinnamon butter!  Or as she has always called it since she was a baby a waffle with..... butter baby!!!!!  Seeing her so excited for waffles of course Jean Paul jumped on the band wagon; although I think her would jump on anything that involves him getting to eat lol.  Waffles it was!  Not even an hour later Jean Paul was in tears and not just a little tear here or there but full blown mad/aggregated/semi-pissed off tears!  After what felt like almost 45 minutes of what I have to call a temper tantrum he finally was ready to relax.  As he begged for me to hold him I scooped him up and sat on the couch for a long time.  Finally he lifted his head and sadly said “Sorry Mommy.”  I tried to tell him it was ok to be upset sometimes but that doesn’t mean we get to be mean and hurt others feelings.  He laid on my chest and just kept saying okay.  I hated to see him so upset but I also can’t let him play me like a fiddle lol, but boy does he know how to pull on my heartstrings.  Oh toddler drama; I mean seriously literally we went from waffle smiles to weeping overload in just a matter of minutes!  But then again I have mood swings by the second myself so who am I to judge..... guess it’s better than weeping during waffle time RIGHT?  LOL!

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