Saturday, May 12, 2018

The Mom Who...

This is honestly what a Mom trying to keep it all together looks like!
As I whole heartedly try and allow myself to live in the moment I am usually brought to tears of guilt.  Especially around this time of year and even more on Mother’s Day.  So today I simply placed myself around the ones who get me the most.  And though the pain is still there just as strong as the day before... it is coupled with pure love that knows nothing more than “A Mother’s Love” their Mother’s love!  I will never understand why I have been so blessed
But I can promise I will never take it for granted. 
 My heart hurts so much for :
the Moms who are in waiting,
 the Moms who keep trying month after month,
tthe Moms who visit the cemetery weekly,
the Moms who feel cursed by their own bodies and genetics,
the Moms who question if the love they have to offer is worthy,
the Moms who see others living a life they yearn for,
the Moms who beg God nightly for a child of their own,
the Moms who have had to give their child back to God to soon,
the Moms who have spent hundreds of dollars hoping to see 2 pink lines just once,
the Moms who have it planned out in their heads how they would surprise their family with the news,
the Moms who smile through every baby shower and birthday party and then secretly cry after,
the Moms who make the best Aunts and Godmothers as they wait to have their turn,
the Moms who have heard “you are pregnant” but have also heard “I’m sorry there is no heartbeat”,
the Moms who have forgotten what intimacy is because getting pregnant takes the role of a job,
for the Moms who wish others saw adoption as the the truest form of Love,
the Moms who know they can’t afford IVF but know the price of Motherhood is worth it,
the Moms who remember their laugh, their warmth of their skin and especially their smell,
the Moms who felt the kicks of life in their womb but never saw their child take a breath,
the Moms who raise their stepchildren with the same heart they would their own,
and to the Moms who pray day and nightly for other Moms to get their chance they way they finally got theirs.  
Because we see you.  
Because we know your journey has not been easy.  
And because you deserve everything your heart desires and more.

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