Sunday, October 14, 2018

Sometimes Stress Catches Up With Us

After a very long Saturday at Cajun Field my little family needed some down time.  To be completely honest the stress of losing my job and completely starting over in my career path over the last few months is catching up with all of us.  I am beyond grateful for the blessings that have come my way and also beyond proud of myself for the first time in a very long time.  I truly never thought I could move past my comfort zone in my career, but surprisingly for once I didn’t sit back and cry... I kept going and would not let myself be defeated.  I know my kids were my driving force but I still had to be the one to get up every single day and keep going.  After losing Braxton some things that may have knocked me down don’t.  I guess I know how it feels to be completely broken and I refuse to let anything stand in the way of my kids getting everything they deserve, and that includes a Mommy who is willing to do whatever it takes to provide for them.  So I may be tired and I may be crabby, but I’m getting it done lol.  Even though my willpower is strong it doesn’t mean it can get a little stressful.  Sometimes we have to get angry, mad and sad to allow ourselves to recharge.  Well that’s why happened this weekend.  So I promise to post the precious pictures of my little ones at the UL Homecoming Game this week, but today we just chilled.  We went costume shopping, had an indoor picnic ( or PIMPNIC as Jean Paul called it lol), and went to the park and nothing was rushed.  Just the simple things today.  No housework or chores were even touched and that’s ok.  Baby steps are all we can do for right now,  because in the end who really knows what they are doing in this life RIGHT???

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