Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Same Table

How can everything around you seem to be spiraling out of control and with one glance of these two it can instantly all feel ok???  Literally I feel like I can’t keep up or even get a little ahead in my role as a Mom, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Friend and Employee these days.  Not that I mean everything is going wrong, but just that I feel like I’m constantly running in circles.  I apologize to the ones I love most because man they see the bad side of me when I’m stressed lol.  As I sat on the couch  bribing myself to get up and fold the clothes, finish my PRN paperwork for a new job, empty
the dishwasher, straighten up and iron tomorrow’s school clothes I literally was about to cry from the feelings of incapability. Then I looked over and saw my sweet babies coloring at their table together.  
The same table that has been in my house since I got married.
The same table that after losing our Braxton became our prayer table.
The same table that my children now sit and pray at before they eat their meals.
The same table that we allow our kids to make memories at while we watch their imaginations and personalities grow.
The same table that was given to me from my Great Grandfather because he built it with his own hands!

So as I sat their watching my miracles play together at that table, I couldn’t help but smile and feel like everything will be ok.  It will be ok because I will not give up.  After  I tucked my kids into bed tonight I walked up to that table and ran my hands across the top of it and thought about what my Great Grandfather would tell me right now.  Once I got past the curse words and lecture I know he would start with I heard him whisper how proud he is of me; and then I let the tears fall.  When I picked up my head to wipe my eyes right in front of me was a picture of Braxton on the wall. 
All I could do was look up and say “I get it”.  
Instantly I felt worthy and capable of everything I have ever wanted because I felt their presence!!!!  I may be a mess lately but this mess of a Mom, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Friend and Employee will not give up!!!  

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