Thursday, October 11, 2018

Bubba’s Pumpkin

What a day to be off from work and with my babies!  As soon as school let out I was there to get Leighton and Jean Paul!  Seven nights working over night was long and lonesome.  We headed straight to the cemetery to bring Bubba the pumpkins they picked out for him.  While we were visiting we walked around and straightened up some of the other decorations and headstones.  My sweet Leighton let me know that she wanted to buy more pumpkins and come back and give them to some of the babies to match Braxton.  My heart was bursting with pride!!!!!  So guess where we will be going this weekend?  Yep we will be going back to buy more little pumpkins for her to hand out!!!! I know with all my heart every angel baby will adore the pumpkins she gives them as much as her Big brother in heaven does!!!

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