Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Missing Mommy

Only one more night working late and then this Mommy will be reunited with her babies every afternoon for 7 whole days!  This new routine will take some planning and getting used too for sure, but I think we can do it if we all work together.  Leighton and I made a calendar and she placed stickers on all the days Mommy works at night; each day we mark an X over the day after it is done!  This morning Leighton let me know that I only have one more night to work and then lots of nights with her.  If she only knew that I am counting down the days just as much as she is.  I try and keep the morning routine the same for them as much as I can in hopes of some normalcy lol.  So even though I get off at 5 AM from a 12 hour shift I come home to wake them, dress them, snuggle them and bring them to school... just to get as much time as I can with them.  So needless to say we are all ready for tomorrow so we can have lots of time together!!!

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